The Post VLE Era
There is a lot of talk about VLEs (Virtual Learning Environments) around on Twitter and the Web at the moment. What is all the fuss about?
Curriculum Breadth, Innovation and Creativity…
I was thinking this morning, so I tweeted… "GB founded upon leading world in innovation and creativity. Can't see the big picture vision for current education policy." Thank you to those who re-tweeted.
When, Why & What 1:1 iPad? Part 2
Part 2
So, it’s about the learning and it’s got to happen. It has to be understood and you need teachers, students and parents to see potential.
What is this GTD?
In 2010 I decided that I needed to review how I was working, since there were not enough hours in the day.
When, Why & What 1:1 iPad? Part 1
I thought that I would start by outlining the key points about 1:1 projects as I see them.
It starts with the Learning. If you come to a decision to embark upon an iPad 1:1 project because you like the iPad, or you’ve heard that the device is good, STOP, wrong reason.
My Basic Leadership Principles
Schools exist for the benefit of students. Test every decision against whether the outcome will be better for the students.
Values, ethos and aspiration are the most important aspects to develop and support growth of children. These are therefore the most important aspects to consider when appointing staff. Mutually respectful relationships at all levels.
The Birth of my Web Presence
I was an early adopter. I have managed my life and organised my tasks through a pocket device since 1990.